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Day 102. Edward Hopper

Edward Hopper was an American Realism painter who became popular in the early Mid-Century Modern period of the 1930-40s. I first fell in love with his art when I saw (and bought a print of) his piece Early Sunday Morning at the Whitney Museum in NYC. More recently, I saw his most famous work, Nighthawks, at the Art Institute of Chicago. I decided to get this book, Edward Hopper, so I could learn his story and appreciate all of his art. I’m proud to feature a print of Nighthawks on my 20th Century art wall.

You have good taste. Also, I'll note that Nighthawks is probably the second most parodied work of American art, after Grant Wood's American Gothic (which also hangs at the Art Institute of Chicago).
You have good taste. Also, I'll note that Nighthawks is probably the second most parodied work of American art, after Grant Wood's American Gothic (which also hangs at the Art Institute of Chicago).
Mahalo Chicago Jake! You’re right, American Gothic does rule the roost of parodies. It is cool to see both originals in one place, along with Seurat’s Sunday Afternoon On The Grand Jatte, which is my wife’s favorite.