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Day 103. Kraken Rum

As I’ve gone further down the Tiki rabbit hole, I’ve become a student of craft cocktails and fine rums. I still do appreciate some lesser rums, including spiced ones. The first one I liked was Captain Morgan, the standard-bearer of spiced rum. The newest entry is The Kraken. It tastes pretty much the same to me, mixed with a Coke, and the marketing is just as powerful, if not more so, then it’s predecessor. They’re both nautical themed, which is Tiki adjacent. With The Kraken, though, you had a natural connection to the NHL’s newest franchise, the Seattle Kraken, and a whole new meaning to the terms “Kraken on Ice” and “Release The Kraken.” Cowabunga!

I'm not a huge fan of Kraken, although I have a bottle currently in my liquor cabinet. I will occasionally mix something up using it. I always like to taste the options first hand, you never know if you will like it or not. -and the mug is kind of cool!
Yes, it’s not high quality rum, but it works for me in Coke or Egg Nog. I first got a bottle as a gift, and bought the second one for the mug. It will last a long time at the rate I actually drink it!
Yes, it’s not high quality rum, but it works for me in Coke or Egg Nog. I first got a bottle as a gift, and bought the second one for the mug. It will last a long time at the rate I actually drink it!
Yes, it’s not high quality rum, but it works for me in Coke or Egg Nog. I first got a bottle as a gift, and bought the second one for the mug. It will last a long time at the rate I actually drink it!
and the packaging was cool! It’s all about marketing
I've moved away from the spiced rums in recent years, because they mostly seem to be trying to copy each other rather than push the creative boundaries into something like Mama Juana and the like, but I'll normally keep Kraken 94 on hand. The higher proof makes it a bit more versatile than others in the category.