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Day 190. SHAG Swizzle Sticks

Once again I return to my collection of SHAG swag. This time I feature some nifty swizzle sticks created by Josh Agle. These beauties are pretty substantial, featuring his stylized Moai head at one end, a pufferfish at the other end, and his signature logo in the middle. These swizzles have become my go-to for adorning Mai-Tais and most other craft cocktails I whip up here in the Tiki Lounge. SHAG is the star that stirs my drinks!

Waynes World Thumbs Up GIF
Speaking as an engineer, I heartily endorse this design. The Moai heads are a perfect shape for a handle, and the round puffer fish, with their spikey spikes, are perfect for stirring the ingredients. Oh, and they look cool as hell, too!
Speaking as an engineer, I heartily endorse this design. The Moai heads are a perfect shape for a handle, and the round puffer fish, with their spikey spikes, are perfect for stirring the ingredients. Oh, and they look cool as hell, too!
Form and function, you gotta love that! Chicago Jake, I too am an engineer, but I switched to the dark side when I got my MBA. Sales has cookies.