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Day 240. SHAG Font Collection

The one piece of SHAG swag I haven’t shared with you yet is this little disc. It’s a computer disc filled with typefaces used in different aspects of Josh Agle’s art. The SHAG Font Collection was released by House Industries back in 2003 and came in this cool sleeve with a painting featuring Dr. Zaius from Planet of The Apes on the cover. I use these fonts a lot, particularly when I’m doing little projects like my art placards and compilation CDs. This gives me great joy.

Awesome artwork! So simple, yet so profound! That cantilever roof speaks volumes about the MCM era.

And I'm a little embarrassed to admit that it was only THIS VERY MOMENT when I realized where SHAG got his nickname - from the last two letters of his first name and the first two letters of his last name. Duh!!!