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Day 64. Enchanted Tiki Room 50th Art

As I mentioned yesterday, my wife Jess and I attended the 50th anniversary of the Enchanted Tiki Room at Disneyland in 2013. One of the highlights of the trip was the chance to meet Josh Agle again (for the 3rd time). Disney had commissioned SHAG, among other artists, to create art for this event. He didn’t disappoint! There was a series of prints featuring the seven statues in the ETR courtyard, each with a child next to it. I picked up the Pele and Petey. I also got SHAG’s main show print, Tropical Hideaway, which is a beautiful piece featuring the courtyard and the main attraction. I brought an orange Sharpee pen and had him personalize the print for me. It now hangs proudly in my Tiki Lounge. Mahalo, Josh Agle!
