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Give Us This Day Our Daily Tiki

Two years ago, I started a new blog, Creating Stuff. The idea was to post one thing a day I had created. The idea came to me from Neil Pasricha’s book, 1000 Awesome Things. I managed to post for 365 straight days, and I enjoyed every day of it!

Last month I decided to start another daily blog: Panda’s Tiki Today. This time, the idea is to post every day about a Tiki item, either that I own or that I like. This can mean any number of things: mugs, books, music, drinks, art. I’ve come to realize that I have a high TIPSY (Tikis Per Square Yard) quotient here in the Tiki Lounge, and since I walk around and look at this stuff every day, I might as well share it. Tomorrow I will start publishing my daily posts here.

To give you a little background, especially if you’re new to the world of A. Panda’s Tiki Lounge, here is an introduction page I published on my main blog: https://apandatikiblog.wordpress.com/introduction-a-pandas-tiki-lounge/

I hope you enjoy my new blog!

Following along! Looks good!

Happy Fun GIF