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Mystery Warrior

Johnny Tsunami

Well-known member
A few weeks from now, Frankies Tiki Room in Las Vegas will be celebrating their 16th anniversary, and will be adding the newest member to its anniversary mug family.
This years contribution comes from Tiki master Eekum Bookum. Its a spectacular looking mug, but I have yet been able to find our new friends name.
I fired off a C-Mail on the coconut telegraph to my friend Chris over at Frankies to see if I could solve this mystery, and give our new friend a name. Ill keep you posted.

In the meantime, heres a picture. Quite handsome I would say......
Mystery Moai.jpg
Its a mystery no more, the word from Frankies Tiki Room is that our new friends official name is............... Puna Pau.
The Rapa Nui Ranch would like to welcome him, as he joins the rest of his Frankies family in, The Supercalifragalistictikimugatorium.
