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Tiki Bar Directory


Hi everyone! So glad I discovered this site!
I wanted to let you know about a new website. It's a Tiki Bar Directory called <offline>

I hope you are able to take a look, we have a few admins that are scouring the web looking for bars to add. The Tiki Bars will show on a map with all the info you need to decide if you want to visit.

Thanks for reading!
We just recently added some new Tiki Bars! The most recent is the new Trader Vic's at the San Jose Airport. Check it out!

Hi everyone! So glad I discovered this site!
I wanted to let you know about a new website. It's a Tiki Bar Directory called <offline>

I hope you are able to take a look, we have a few admins that are scouring the web looking for bars to add. The Tiki Bars will show on a map with all the info you need to decide if you want to visit.

Thanks for reading!
Check out Foundation Bar, Milwaukee, WI. I was there a few weeks ago and it was fantastic.
mr burns GIF

Excellent! I love visiting Tiki bars when I am out of town!